Monday, July 1, 2013

Picnic in Napa

We got up early yesterday and headed for Napa to meet Vera and her boyfriend, Sean, for a wine tour/tasting at Chappellet and picnic lunch in their beautiful meadow overlooking a small vineyard and Lake Hennessey. I'm including this picture Vera took (and may have tweaked a wee bit with a photo app on her phone) just to set the mood...

We fortunately had scheduled our tour for 11 a.m., because the high was expected to reach almost 100 degrees. Our first half hour was spent in the cellar, where the temp is maintained at approximately 65 degrees. We then braved a walk through the vineyards moving from one shady spot to the next and anxious to get back to the cellar with it's refreshing climate-controlled environment.

Our last half hour was spent eating breadsticks and enjoying a taste of their best Cab, Prichard Hill, which according to our guide consistently receives marks of 95+ and is considered one of the best Cabs in the Napa Valley. I believe it. It's incredible!

After half a dozen tastings (double on some) we were feeling no pain and drove to the picnic area on the property. I'm not sure what we expected, but whatever those visions might have been were far surpassed by the beautiful, grassy meadow, hillside vineyard, and expansive view of the lake that greeted us. There was one other group of about twenty people just finishing their picnic. The group's hostess and daughter of the senior Chappellet's welcomed us and offered an invitation to "Movie in the Meadow," where they show pre-released Indie movies on a large inflatable screen while about 100 lucky visitors picnic on blankets and enjoy their meals and, I'm sure, Chappellet wine. Sounds like fun! We'd brought two bottles of wine from home to have with our lunch. Fortunately, one of them (and the one we'd opened and were drinking and was in plain view to our Chappellet guest) was a Chappellet Napa Valley Cab. The other was an "economy" wine (cheap) from Livermore. A step above Firefly Ridge at $5.50/bottle (very cheap), but probably not by much.

We had a great time. What can be better than Good Eats (cheese from Bravo Farms with hand-made crackers from Schatt's Bakery, tasty sandwiches on caibatta rolls, Verne's version of Andre's potato salad, and a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie (complements of the Chappellet's...they were leftover from the other picnic party); a bottle of fine wine; and convo* with our faux** family. Our DD (designated driver) got behind the wheel and drove us back to Frog's Leap, where we'd left Sean's truck. I might mention, Verne was our DD...we decided his driving after several glasses of wine was no worse than normal and none of the rest of us were up to it.

* Convo is a new word I've come across recently and I love it. I'm using it every chance I get, whether or not appropriate. Am I out of touch or what? Another new word (to me) is Solopreneur. I haven't had a chance to use it yet, but I'm working on it.

** I have Vera to thank for the term "faux" family. She recently introduced me as her faux aunt. I've always referred to her as one of my adopted children (Ted being the other), but I think I like this better. Thanks, Vera...

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