Monday, October 13, 2014

An Entertaining Weekend in So Cal

We’ve spent much of the last month living out of our suitcases with trips to Missouri, Portland, and this past weekend, Southern California.  It’s always easy for us to set a date and plan a trip, but as the time nears we often regret making the commitment as we’re both basically homebodies. Not that we don’t enjoy ourselves when we’re spending time with family in each of these areas, but our favorite place is right here in Volcano living on the prettiest 40 acres in Amador County. It just doesn’t get any better than this!

Well, daughters and grandchildren were looking forward to our visit so we made the trip and had a great time despite ourselves. Our first stop was Santa Monica to have dinner with Jana on Friday night. We met at Penzey’s, just a short walk from the restaurant, and had fun buying a few new spices, including three different curry powders. The restaurant, Mercado’s, was one Jana took us to on a previous visit and was my choice this time, rather than Musha’s, where we normally dine on our first night in town. Why did I choose Mercado? Because (1) the food is amazing and (2) I wanted one of their signature cucumber margaritas that I foolishly didn’t try when we were last there. We try to experiment with new restaurants and food with each visit, but some are just too good to not repeat and this was one with its very contemporary take on Mexican food. For example, Tacos de Papa (rajas mashed potatoes, cabbage, crema fresca, queso fresco, arbol salsa…simply put, mashed potato tacos). They were delicious! We’d made dinner reservations, but arrived early and after trying a half-dozen small plate items from the Happy Hour menu as well as the best flan I’ve ever eaten, we were stuffed and cancelled our later reservation. It was still early, so we walked around downtown Santa Monica and browsed in the shops that were still open. I have to admit, I’m quick to “So Cal Bash” and feel I have a legitimate basis for it having previously lived in Orange County for over twenty years, but Santa Monica is really beginning to grow on me. It’s so unlike anything I ever experienced in the more inland counties.

Jana and her Best Daddy Ever…

We spent Saturday a little further south in the San Bernardino County area at Raelin and Aaron’s home.  We often get together at a kid-friendly restaurant, like the Spaghetti Factory, when we visit. It’s fun, but a noisy restaurant is not always conducive to visiting. Being slightly (Verne would scoff and call this a gross understatement) hearing-impaired, I find that I hear a fraction of the conversation and only what is immediately spoken around me. Visiting at Raelin and Aaron’s house this time instead was perfect for all of us. Quiet, by comparison to a restaurant, home-cooked Good Eats (slow-cooked pulled pork), beautiful weather for outdoor seating, and plenty of space for three little energetic boys to romp and play until they were exhausted. It was fun seeing them in their own environment. Sam, the oldest, entertained us with his hula hoop tricks and Jana and a few other adults gave it a try. It brought back memories of when I was 10-years old and enjoyed my first hula hoop spending hours mastering the tricks, like bringing it up from the waist over the arms and around the neck. Sam’s hoops were weighted, adding a new challenge. Kendall, 14-years old and our only granddaughter, joined the fun and entertained us with her Colorguard routine. A freshman in high school, this is her first year in Colorguard, but is already very good with her flag. As the saying goes, pictures are worth a thousand words, so I’m going to include several rather than droning on and on and on...

Most of the gang…
Jana mastering the hula hoop…

Kendall and a partial routine…

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