Sunday, December 13, 2015

'Tis the Season to Give Thanks

Jana and Lauren with Santa (they think he's a Creepy Santa)
at the Spaghetti Factory in Portland on the Williamette River.

I can honestly say that for our immediate family, every day has become a day for giving thanks. The Thanksgiving holiday this year was much anticipated. It was last November, just a few days before her 30th birthday, that Jana discovered a large lump in her breast. We spent Thanksgiving 2014 in Volcano deeply concerned that despite Jana’s young age and good health the lump was something serious. We couldn’t bring ourselves at that point to say the word “cancer”. We were worried sick. This past year has been one of chemotherapy treatments, surgeries, and recovery. I’d like to say that today Jana is cancer-free, but that declaration must be reserved for another four years. Jana’s new ‘norm’ is pill-taking, ultrasounds, and doctors’ appointments. She will finish her final drug infusion at the end of December and have her port removed sometime in January. She has agreed to be part of a test group for a new drug that will be tested in 2016, which will hopefully reduce her chances of a recurrence of cancer in the future.

Cancer has been a life changer for our girl. She has made several changes that have dramatically reduced the stress in her life, beginning with a new job. In September she chose to resign from Liner LLP, a high-stress firm, to a small practice with an emphasis on employment discrimination, something she has experienced first hand over the past year. We helped her move that same month to a smaller apartment that reduced her daily commute from 45+ minutes to 5 minutes. She has joined a yoga studio just a mile from her home and begins most days with an hour of hot yoga. Jana is planning to train in 2016 to become a yoga instructor so that she may teach yoga to women (and men) rehabilitating from breast cancer. During her months recovering from her surgeries, she got back into baking bread and continues to pursue her interest in cooking and baking. I call Jana my “Wilshire Girl”…except for her trips to the UCLA Oncology Center, she spends her life on a 1-1/2 mile stretch of Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles that encompasses work, home, shopping, entertainment (LA County Museum of Art), her yoga studio, car dealer, and even her cat’s vet. No more 70+ hour work weeks and no more stressful commutes and time lost sitting in a car. In other words, she has found balance in her life, which in and of itself is a stress buster.

We are not short on other opportunities to give thanks this year. Scott suffered a heart attack in August and spent the next several months recovering from a quadruple bypass. Not only are we thankful that he was close to a hospital when he began experiencing chest and back pains (he had just returned home from a weekend of camping and hiking with friends where there was no phone service or other form of communication in the event of an emergency), but we are appreciative of his family support. Scott’s significant others, Ini and her mother, Gloria, and Ini’s son Joshua, cared for him throughout his recovery. They make such a beautiful family and the attachment is so strong that when it came time for Scott to return to his apartment in Ballard and go back to work, they all agreed he should move in full time with them.

Speaking of family support, all of our children (his, mine, and ours) have rallied their support over the past year. It has been heart-warming to see and experience the love and selflessness they’ve all shown. I have to say that Lauren, our baby, has shone during these challenging times. Not surprising to anyone who knows her, she is intelligent and articulate. This really came through from her regular updates on Jana’s diagnosis and treatments through her surgery in May. More surprising to me was her strength during the most trying of times. I know she had her share of emotional moments, but we only saw her loving, encouraging, and confident face. She has become the Family Rock…the person everyone will now turn to for strength during tough times. Good job, Sweetie.

One final family experience I want to share. Our son-in-law, Aaron Burkhard, has had his own physical trial over the past few months. He has suffered from three bulging discs, which have left him with limited mobility and continual pain. It has taken two months to somewhat manage the pain. For weeks, he couldn’t stand or walk, so there has been some progress, but, at this point, it is still uncertain as to whether or not he will require surgery. We recently visited with Aaron and he told me that having the last three months at home with his family and experiencing their day-to-day routine has made all of the pain he’s experienced worthwhile. A dad’s family time is often limited to weekends, which has been the case for Aaron with his hour commute and long workdays. He has found the positive in this experience, just as we have with Jana’s cancer and Scott’s heart attack.

These challenges are all part of life and I’m thankful that my family has shown the strength to rise to the occasion and focus on the good with support and love for each other. You make me proud!

Happy Holidays to each of you and looking forward to a healthy New Year!

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