Friday, December 4, 2015

Lauren's Poems

Lauren included the following poem in her Christmas cards this year...

Christmas, 2015

The season is upon us that we wait for all year,
The holiday season that calls for good cheer.
A snowman stands at attention outside,
A carrot for his nose and some coal for his eyes.
The tree is all decked so festive and bright,
Our family's kept warm on this cold winter's night,
And here we all sit with our toes by the fire,
Reflecting back on the year and all that's transpired.
There has been some misfortune thrown in our paths, 
Some days filled with tears and nary a laugh.
But through those dark times, we all soldiered on,
And found that the struggles strengthened our bond.
The bond of our family -- parents, siblings, and friends --
And that's a great note on which this year could now end.

From our family to yours, may you have a Merry Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year!

Patrick and Marietta Afan, our daughter-in-law's parents, are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on December 26th. Lauren wrote the following poem to go with our gift to them, an art clock. 

A Poem for Patrick and Marietta Afan

Tick tock, tick tock,
Time moves, the hands of the clock counting down seconds, minutes, hours, days,
A steady counting of the moments of our lives,
The good times rush past as time seemingly flies,
And times of sorrow seem to linger, one moment apparently here to stay.

Tick tock, tick tock.
But the weight of sorrows lessen with the clock’s steady drumming,
And with a friend and partner standing side-by-side,
All of those moments are easier to take in stride,
For you face them together, to weather whatever hardships may be coming.

Tick tock, tick tock.
And looking back now on the years passed, you’ll see only the blessings of days bygone,
Your family and friends, health and home,
And each other, whom you are so lucky to call “my own.”
Be grateful for the time you have had and look forward to the time that is yet to come.

Tick tock, tick tock.

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