Thursday, December 31, 2015

More About the Holidays

The weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas are always busy and seem to fly by, but December 2015 set a new ‘social’ record for us. Between a week in Portland over Thanksgiving, returning home for a couple of days and then leaving on a road trip to SoCal with Maria in tow, we were gone for over two weeks. We had two short weeks to regroup and prepare for company through the end of the year. Our company was actually family, but that doesn’t minimize the pressure we put on ourselves to have everything perfect…clean house, entertainment planned, and menus created for each of the days of their visit. You have no idea the amount of time Verne and I spend discussing our guests’ food likes, dislikes, and allergies. We scour Moser Family Favorites (over 200 favorite recipes we’ve tested and keep on our computer) and a huge collection of cookbooks and cooking magazines until we come up with a perfect blend of food ideas that leaves everyone with a smile on their face and wanting more.

Our first visit was the Burkhard family. Aaron is still recovering from his back problems (three bulging discs), so entertainment couldn’t include a day working outside cutting, splitting, and hauling fire wood or burning brush piles. Dang! That used to be my favorite way to entertain strong, young men. I would always remind them that some people pay for a visit to a Dude Ranch and here they are getting the experience for free! More recently I remind them that dear old Dad is almost 75 and can use the help. That gets them every time. And it just so happens to be true. With indoor entertainment the only option, I decided to give Aaron another canning lesson.

During our two week hiatus from travel and socializing, we canned a batch of our favorite salsa (similar to the type of salsa you get at Mexican restaurants) and made a second batch using a new recipe, Roasted Tomato Chipotle Salsa, that is made from dried chipotle and cascabel chili peppers and is quite a bit hotter than our old standard made from fresh jalapenos. Aaron loves hot peppers (the hotter the better) and he loved our salsas. In fact, he’s in the process of setting up a hydroponic system to grow peppers in his garage and has been very interested in learning to preserve his harvest by both dehydrating and canning them. So, spending a day in the kitchen was his kind of fun (and mine, of course).  We didn’t limit his lesson to salsa…we also made two batches of Habanero Jelly (one batch with honey that we ended up throwing away and a second batch with sugar that turned out to be a perfect balance between sweet and spicy) and we dehydrated a large batch of granola with all kinds of health food additives. He’s learning, but we both agreed that more lessons (which require regular visits) are in order.

Preparing to make Roasted Tomato Chipotle Salsa

We had planned that Kendall, who was recently chosen to be captain of the JV Color Guard, would show us parts of her rifle routine, but it was too cold and wet the days of their visit. Like typical teenagers, the kids entertained themselves with their electronics (and my phone…yes, Kendall, I did find the two dozen selfies on my phone). Raelin did get them outside for a half hour to help her load the back of their pick-up with firewood -- something that is plentiful on 40 wooded acres.

Sam and Kendall Selfie

Raelin loading the pickup with firewood, Sam helping 
and Kendall watching (she didn't want to dirty her hands)

The same day the Burkhard’s left for home, December 23rd, Jana drove up from SoCal (with her cat, Izzy) to spend the Christmas holiday with us. Lauren flew in from Portland the next day, Christmas Eve, and we started our celebration with dinner at Ruth’s Chris in Sacramento. It was more than a Christmas celebration this year. We celebrated being alive and Jana having survived this past year.

It was just the four of us through the weekend when Jana left to visit her girlfriend in San Francisco and then home to have her final cancer treatment (infusion) on Wednesday. Lauren planned her visit through yearend to help us with a few projects around the house and craft with her mommy. 

Jana with Izzy wearing her antlers

Lauren crafting

We both love our time together in the studio quilting and crafting and finding inspiration in every corner, every drawer, and every storage box. I’m not sure how I can ever be without a studio…something to think about when we finally downsize. I don’t think it will be this year, so no worries for all of you who love to visit “the Property.” But soon...


  1. Aside from your total failure to make it snow as we requested, it was an excellent trip. We always have fun learning how to do all those boring things you talk about incessantly.

    We will be planning another trip soon. One thing Aaron's back issues has really driven home, that while he has always made sure he spent as much time as he could with the kids, he needs to spend more. He is very sad about returning to work and not being there when they come home every day. This means more vacation days and more time with all of our family. Sorry Dad - that means more visits to see you!

    This Christmas time has passed by faster than we could imagine, with all of Kendall's Rose Parade rehearsals and now her captain duties, her schedule impacts most of what we do. However, we will find time to make it up there. No matter what!

    And.. as for the 2 dozen selfies - you should see how many I have on my phone from those little rug rats!!
